
Showing posts from December, 2014

Exercise is more fun when done together!

When most adults think about exercise, they imagine working out in the gym on a treadmill or lifting weights. But for kids, exercise means playing and being physically active. Children exercise when they have gym class at school, during break, at dance class or football practice, while riding bikes and more. One engaging and fun way to get yourself and your child to have fun with working out is with an exercise ball. There are a number of ways you can work with your child to get a great work out and have fun at the same time. Standing back to back with a partner: Have your child work on trunk rotation, visual skills, and timing by standing with a partner with their backs facing towards one another, a few feet apart; work on passing a ball from left to right, and then right to left. The larger the exercise ball, the harder this activity will be, as more upper body and trunk strength will be required. Prone (on stomach) for nose touches Have your child lay on his sto