
Showing posts from March, 2019

How to overcome fear of the doctor?

Simple ways to help the child alleviate the fear of a doctor Experts say the fear of a doctor is the result of several factors: the temperament of the child, his age and previous experience in clinics and hospitals. Children who are small and often ill and exposed to a number of unpleasant searches have a greater chance of developing a fear of going to the pediatrician. If we add to this the so-called developmental fear of unknown people and situations, the departure of a doctor for some parents is a nightmare. Highly in the list of stressful situations in a doctor's office is certainly vaccination and any procedure involving the needle. A child who is afraid of a doctor usually cries loudly, gives resistance, and cannot calm down. It's hardest with kids between one and four years because they already withdraw certain associations when they see a doctor or when they realize they have to go to the hospital, but they cannot logically and rationally explain that it's