Key Reasons Why to read children's accent from the earliest age ?

Why to read children's accent from the earliest age ?

Of utmost importance is reading to children of all ages, not just the youngest. The method of reading aloud is very important for developing reading habits and later success in school, as well as for general success in acquiring knowledge, say pedagogues.
Reading the accent should be applied when it suits all participants in the act of reading, either in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening.
Spontaneous reading can take place in a car, in a doctor's waiting room, on a bus, in a city, in a park, on a trip.

 Read the children's accent from birth so they can:

Connect reading and books with pleasant feelings
hear sounds, rhymes and words
to use their sense of hearing, sight and touch
create sounds - from swinging to word
show the picture, and the person reading to name what the child shows
they begin to understand that the images show certain objects from their surroundings
And of course, for the children to enjoy.
This kind of reading can be very fun and often goes into a family ritual, especially on colder days when everyone misses imagination to animate a child.

Loud reading is an activity that can involve the whole family - parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters, relatives ... It is extremely important for the development of children's cognitive abilities, and for those involved in loud reading of children, it ensures a strong relationship with the child.

Why is it important for parents to read children from the earliest age:

This is done to prevent reading difficulties.
The book's work is at the heart of the child's attention and is a source of useful and exciting experience.
The vocabulary of the youngest and their general knowledge is expanding, because what they read can connect with what they see and hear about themselves.
When parents read aloud, they become a role model for children and pass on their love for the book.
Children  learn about literary language, which is different from everyday, which is important for education.
While listening, children imagine people, places, and situations that they did not meet and experience
Children love books
It needs to be read as long as the children want to listen. You do not have to force them to listen to the story. With time, children develop concentration, so the listening time of the story itself is prolonged. Even 15 minutes of loud reading during the day will contribute to the entire child's development.


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