Self-Confidence & What helps building it.

It is greatly important for parents to work on developing their children's confidence. Two years ago, scientists from the University of Washington came to the conclusion that the self-confidence of the child was built up to 5 years of age. A lot of things cannot change since that age. And it is well known that self-confidence is the key to success in life.
And what is self-confidence?
Self-confidence is a belief that you can manage your body, behavior, and challenges you face in the world around you. If our children believe in themselves, they take more risks in life, they will more often achieve their goals and achieve great things. The good thing is that self-confidence is not something that is gained (or not) born, but it has to work on its development. Parents can help their children develop a better picture of themselves by creating opportunities for them to practice and improve their skills. Allow them to make mistakes, but be there to patronize them to keep trying.
The basic source of self-confidence is - a parent. And if you do not know where to start, here are some effective ways to help your child become happy, self-confident and successful.

1. Help them improve the picture they have of themselves by working on the body language
To make a picture of himself better, he needs to be able to behave the way he wants to see himself. At some point, that created picture becomes a reality. Try this: Make your body "taller" by straightening your back, lower your shoulders, and lift your head. At the same instant, you feel yourself growing confident. Your child must look at himself as someone who can do great things and who is worthy of love. So learn to make that picture of yourself so that it could become.

2. Allow the children to make their own choices
When the children get the chance to make choices in accordance with their age, they feel more powerful and thus more self-confident.

3. Make sure you do not boast them too much
It will not force them to do more and work better. In fact, if you are talking to the children that they are unique and extraordinarily clever and talented, they will easily be discouraged when they encounter an obstacle or a task that may be a little harder. If you dose the praise, child will be more motivated to work harder when encountering more challenging tasks.
And another rule - always praise the effort, not the result.

4. Learn them to be the Man of the Maneuvers
It may seem like a weird advice, but knowing how to properly address someone, how to behave when someone needs help, or even how to set up a dining table, is one of the things that the environment will look like, and that will raise your baby confidence.

5. Teach the child to solve problems
When a problem occurs, do not solve it instead of the child, but help him do it alone. As a parent, you have the task of keeping your baby up and supporting his efforts when solving a particular problem, but not doing the work yourself instead of doing it. Sometimes, when faced with difficult situations, it can be a great opportunity to develop a sense of self-esteem and ability through solving problems. The kid needs to brag, but not to allow yourself to rely on you to jump in with the solution. Instead, stand side by side and be of little help, but with advice and encouragement.

6. Assign your responsibilities
Training a self-reliant child also means homework. Good for you, it's good for the baby. Why is it important? This helps them feel more valuable and channel their energy into desirable behavior. They can fit the shoes, wrap their bed, wipe the dust. And when all of this is over, it remains a difficult but important task for you - never fix what you have done.

7. Try to improve your self-confidence
This is the most important step. As an adult and formed person, you probably will not be able to change from the root, but try to do it as much as the child cannot see when you use yourself. Do not allow yourself to be caught if you lack confidence. Because you are their role model.
In the end, our job as a parent is to raise a happy child, and the job around it begins until the children are very small. All children are growing up and starting to lead their lives at some point. And how much more will depend on whether we, our parents, are able to rise from our own stress and anxiety, as well as to resist the desire to control our child.


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